War | Syria | Videos | Youtube | Playlist

After you have searched for something on Youtube you can choose different filters such as to only find playlists – instructions.

So I searched Syria Aleppo and it came up with quite a few playlists but mostly war footage by the look of it. Here I’ll just embed the playlist created by Vice magazine for films they’ve made in the region.

Also, if you want to embed a playlist you get the code exactly the same way that you get the code for a single video – just click “Share” and then you can choose which video the playlist will start from.

WARNING/DISCLAIMER: I haven’t watched this playlist yet but I have seen some of the Vice films before and the chances are there will be a lot of very graphic and disturbing content, so please be careful if you intend to watch these videos.

Update: I have watched most of this playlist and some of the content is extremely graphic and disturbing.