Fullstack Python | Flask | Resources | Tutorials

Flask Peewee

The Fullstack Python site has a page dedicated purely to Flask resources and tutorials. With links to the Mega Tutorial and many others – there seems to be an emphasis on guides that get you to make real projects.

Flask is a Python web framework – I haven’t yet tried it myself. After trying Django with the Django Girls tutorial (actually, I haven’t completed the last proper section yet – Django Forms). From what I’ve read about Flask it sounds like it is smaller and more “Pythonic”. For a definition of that word, the Secret Weblog recommends that you type import this into a Python interpreter.. I just tried it and it works.

Code Visually also recommend Full Stack Python and carlos.bueno has a long page about what it means to be a full stack programmer.

Credit: I have borrowed the Flask + Unicorn image from Charles Leifer’s Python blog who also has a post about building a Flask app in an hour (or less).