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Aaah, I’m stuck on question 2 of Code Wars’ Python test! While researching the answer to this question involving __init__ I came across the blog of Jeff Knupp – he seems to write in depth with good analogies and code examples etc; also, an e-book by him is avaiable.

I’ve ended up going full circle; all the way back to Chapter 9 on Classes in the official Python documentation/tutorial. I think that is where I need to go next in my Python journey! [I also installed an Android app that is just basically the Python 3.5 docs – Little Drops]

The above picture is from the Python docs chapter about using Turtle to draw images. Also, while looking for a nice image to borrow for this post I came a Python and Blender based Procedural City Generator..

One more waffer thin link: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!

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